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It really is unprecedented times we have been living in lately. The outdoors which we once took for granted has been taken away (temporarily). For someone who lives in Central London, a ‘daytrip’ to the hills is something that will not be happening. Daily exercise is confined to the home or local parks.
But it is in times like these that clever thinking and original ideas are key. I came across the #EverestAnywhere webpage by chance. Run alongside Trail Magazine, the idea is simple – and 2 fold. Climb the height of Mount Everest, where ever you are. If you are lucky enough to live near the mountains, its tracked by height. If not, the COVID-19 edition takes into consideration flights of stairs. Which is where I come in!
Now, as we have mentioned before, the idea for Maddog Adventures was thought up in a tent on the way to Everest Base Camp back in 2009. So what could be a more suitable challenge.
Everest, at 8848m is the equivalent on 3400 flights. 1 circuit in this instance = 125 flights of stairs or 325m of ascent. This is where the benefit of living in a city based flat comes in handy. 10 floors, with a total of 12.5 flights up.
So, on the 5th May 2020 I started my ascent up Everest, sharing the journey daily on the Maddog Adventures Instagram page.
There’s a second challenge running alongside. As part of the tracker there are a series of mountains and routes, as listed here;
London’s Shard (119 staircases)
Haystacks (230)
Tryfan via North Ridge (251)
Snowdon via Pyg Track (308)
Scafell Pike via Corridor Route (412)
Ben Nevis via Pony Track (520)
Welsh 3000s (1277)
West Highland Way (1518)
Mont Blanc (1850)
Kilimanjaro (2268)
Everest South Col (3046)
Total ascent in Wainwrights C2C (3339)
As of 13th May, the first 4 have been completed and a total of 2900m (1136 flights). Whilst all these combined add up to more than the 3400 required, will see how many can continue on to once the Everest total is complete.
Added value being given by supporting a different Veteran Owned brand each day.
Next update here will be once I reach the summit of Mount Everest! Get involved yourself at
Stay safe…